The Patriot Opinion

A modern day Liberty Tree under which an American Patriot makes a passionate attempt to reignite the smouldering coals of freedom in the hearts of his countrymen. "It does not take a majority to prevail, but an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mass Murder by Any Name

I'm back! I was in Poland for a while, interning on a feature film. The cast took the four of us American interns down to Auschwitz on one of our days off. I thought it fitting to type out a post on the way back to Łodz (pronounced "wooch"). Here it is:

I’m just returning from a day at Auschwitz (it’s our day off) so I have a little time on the three or so hour drive to rip out a quick entry here.

Auschwitz is a difficult place to visit, given what happened there, but even more revolting is the fact that we have done so much worse here in the U.S. over the last 33 years.

If you know a little history, it’s hard to avoid remembering that fact while you tour the Nazi concentration camp. The tour guide talks about Zyklon B, the chemical used in the gas chambers. The company that made the poison for the Nazis changed their name after the war in an attempt to escape the stigma. What are they doing today? They manufacture RU 486, the “abortion pill”.

Remember Josef Mengele? The “doctor” who performed such hideous experiments on innocent children? The tour guide told us that he escaped after the war and died later in Brazil. What she forgot to mention, however, is that while living in Brazil, he made his living as an abortionist.

Yes, while the Nazis murdered around 1.1 million people in Auschwitz over about five years, we’ve murdered a greater number than that every year for the last 33 years here in American death camps, also known as abortion clinics.

Our death toll currently stands at around 47 million!

A thought for you:

Back to the Nazis; that incrementalist policy worked great for stopping the murder of so many innocent people didn’t it? I mean, if we’d just gone in there and tried to end it once and for all, all at once, we might have set ourselves back and the Holocaust might still be happening!

Oh, wait a minute. We did charge right in to stop it. We didn’t implement an incrementalist policy, in fact, had we done so, we might all be talking right now (and maybe in German) about how great it is that we’ve managed to make the killings more humane and reduce their number by, say, ten percent this year.

So why do we think that an incrementalist policy (the one that keeps us from, oh, I don’t know, maybe banning abortion) is going to work here?

“Oh, but that was different!”

Sure it was!

> The Nazis killed far fewer people than we have,

> they only managed to do it for around five years or so, and

> it won’t take anything approaching military force to end abortion in the U.S.!

Incrementalism has consistently not worked for 33 years. How about we try something a little different? Something like ending abortion perhaps? It’s not that difficult if we would only get a few very simple but increasingly unpopular concepts through our heads:

  1. I don’t care who you are, if you have the power to end abortion and you do not, you are not fit for the office to which you were elected.
  2. Congress, the Courts, and the President all have the power to end abortion immediately.
    1. Each branch has sworn to uphold the Constitution, which proclaims that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”
    2. Each person in each branch is sworn to uphold the Constitution independently of any other person or branch. Not to sound too much like your mother, but just because everyone else is doing it (disregarding the Constitution) doesn’t mean that you should!
  3. You are responsible for the actions of the leadership that you elect—perhaps excluding any random acts completely inconsistent with that leadership’s values and previous actions. If you choose to vote for the “lesser of two evils”, be aware that you are responsible for the evil perpetrated by that candidate if he or she is elected. With some issues, that might not be too terrible, but when it comes to the lives of 3,000-4,000 innocent children every day, you might want to think long and hard before accepting that responsibility.

By the way, I’m not saying that any elected official who fails to do what they can to end abortion isn’t pro-life, (at least in the technical sense that they feel pro-life and don’t like abortion) but every excuse I have ever heard for a member of Congress, the courts, or the President not making a serious and substantive attempt to end abortion is a plain declaration of that person’s lack of fitness for public office. For just a few brief examples:

“Oh, but they don’t know that they have that power!”

Excuse me? If you are unaware of the Constitutional limits and powers of your own office, you do not belong there!

“The Party won’t let them end abortion.”

While true, this indicates that the office holder cares more about “the Party” than about the Law! Definitely not qualified for public office!

“They won’t be successful in their efforts!”

If guaranteed success is necessary for you to attempt the proper execution of your sworn duty, I recommend that you never join the armed forces, any governmental body, the medical profession, law enforcement, or any profession that affects the lives of any other American!

“Most people don’t recognize those powers and laws.”

Oh, well in that case…it’s your duty to force the issue and educate the people in a high-profile manner as to their own law!

It’s easy for us to point fingers at the German Christians in the years before and during WWII and ask “why didn’t they do something about Hitler and the Holocaust?” What we need to be asking, however, is “what will we do today?”

Lame excuses fall flat when confronted with the harsh reality of mass murder as carried out by today’s abortionists. They make Hitler’s Nazis look like amateurs!

In the end, it’s patriots and heroes who stand up for what’s right in an age of whining acquiescence to evil. Everyone else has blood on their hands.

I’m sorry, but I simply can’t allow my hands to be stained with the blood of 3,000-4,000 innocent children every day; what about you?